Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Refined by Trial

I'm still reading War of Words by Paul David Tripp, and I still highly recommend it. Among many other things, God has been revealing to me that my heart desires a life of ease, and He has been graciously showing me that that kind of life is not what He has called me to as His child (for which I am very grateful). Along those lines, the following quotation jumped out at me this morning and caused me to rejoice at the possibility of facing life's trials with joy from our great God.
We will be refined by trial. Life is not a resort, but a bumpy pathway that leads to conformity to Christ. We can face the bumps with genuine joy, knowing that every bump was placed in our path by a loving heavenly Father for our redemptive good (p. 97).

May the possibility of facing trials with joy become a reality in our lives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. I'm right there with you in often desiring a life of "smooth sailing," but deep inside I know (through confirmation of the Holy Spirit) that that kind of life does not conform me more to the image of Christ or make me dependent on Him as I ought to be. It's the testing of our faith that works endurance, which is why we should "count it all joy" when we have those "bumps in the road." (Easier said than done, though, right?)