Monday, April 13, 2009

The End of our UPS Era!!!!!!

We're praising the Lord that last Friday, April 10, was Michael's final day to work at UPS! We thank God for providing for us partially through UPS for nearly the past 5 years, but we're excited to now be able to focus all of our attention on deputation and getting to France.

We had Dunkin' Donuts on Friday morning to celebrate and then I surprised Michael with a breakfast date this morning to celebrate his first morning of "freedom" from the 3:30 rising time!

Michael's quitting UPS was an answer to our prayers and many of yours over the past several months as we've sought God's wisdom about timing for "making the plunge" into full-time deputation. Thanks to all of you who prayed for us. We're trusting our great God to provide for us--as he always faithfully does.


Donna said...

Very exciting! Praying for you.

becky said...

We're thrilled that you're now entering this new phase of full-time deputation! Enjoy your extra sleep, Michael!! :-)

johanna said...

How exciting! We know very well, the relief of those early mornings! So glad you can be on deputation full time!

TRBix said...

Hip, hip, hurray!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome to the post-UPS era.