Monday, August 10, 2009

Quotations from Viviane

After our singing and prayer time tonight before bed, Viviane sat on the ottoman, looked straight at Daddy and said, "We're going to do your devotions now. Can you say I Corinthians 13:4?" I'm glad she's listening during morning family devotions and actually remembering some of what we do :-)

Then, after we tucked her in and I said "Goodnight, Babes," we headed down the steps from her attic room and she said "Goodnight, Babes Daddy. Goodnight, Babes Mommy."

She cracks me up :-)


johanna said...

That is hilarious! It is so cute when they start talking for real. The things they repeat and come up with. It's good you're writing them down so you don't forget!

Donna said...

Precious! She's SUCH a talker!

Josh and Amy J. said...


Becky said...

I love it!! So, so cute!!

TRBix said...

Love it. She has become such a little talker! "O be careful parents' mouths what you say ..." ;)