Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Crib Time!

Viviane loves to stand on her stool and "play" with Adeline while she's in her crib. It's so cute. Viviane tries to be a little too helpful sometimes, though, so I try to protect Adeline from her kindness :-)
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TRBix said...

Precious little girls! Viviane's hair is getting so long! By the looks of these pictures, I'm thinking Viviane's "cousin" and birthday friend Zacharie may have well overtaken her in size.

Trust the traveling with two little ones is going well. I'm sure they are adored everywhere you go!

Donna said...

(I'm pretty sure that Zacharie is not bigger than Viviane quite yet, but I'm sure it will happen sometime!!! ;-) )

The pros of being the 2nd born: crib time means you have an older sibling amusing you!! Love the pictures!

johanna said...

Cute! Yes, I completely understand about needing to protect from the older siblings kindness!

Josh and Amy J. said...

Sweet sisters!